So, the Apple TV is up to software version 6.0. And I still can’t make the font size bigger so I can read the show descriptions. Sigh.
@globalmoxie Wonder if there’s a site devoted to the evolution of early watch design? Might be interesting to revisit right now…
@globalmoxie Hrm. Would you want to wear something that looked like a watch, but didn’t tell the time? Think there has to be a mix for me.
@danielpunkass Incidentally, I got an effect I liked a lot by limiting the shading to certain pixels:
@danielpunkass I swing both ways :) The OpenGL book I’m working through is an Android one, so that’s where I had a skeleton project set up.
Luckily, I live in England.

@danielpunkass Thanks for the help ;) I now have animated random noise!