Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 21st, 2013

@UrsulaWJ It’s possible I could help you out on that

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@trekkie Not bad, no. Quite mild, not how you might expect, but in no way bad.

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Should I watch the _Edge of Darkness_ remake? Can’t help but think that there can be only *one* Darius Jedburgh.

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@Padraig Thirty three, though there’s a couple of oddities (eg my huffduffer feed) and probably five or so I haven’t listened to in months.

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@Lillput I have what looks like nicely-done beans. But I’m leaving it until tomorrow to try them :) Thanks!

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@Bristolvor Not bad. More subtle than I expected, just like it was when I tried it in a popcorn maker…

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@Lillput Indeed. Running through a cheap bag first, as you said.

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Right then. Let’s give this beast a try.

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“Colonel! Incoming! Ropey CGI at three o’clock!” “Quick! To the plot device!”

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