JamesScott2 Busy aviation news night. @British_Airways 2276 caught fire @LASairport. All passengers reportedly off 777 safely. twitter.com/ericmhays/stat…

benfraserlee Incredible way of making my two star review seem like I didn’t hate the film pic.twitter.com/zvOyIxHQ3h

I prefer Twitter for the user experience, but at least Facebook ads understand who I am. pic.twitter.com/f4SxlpAtUM
@porthjess I went in once, because they had an espresso machine. When I ordered a coffee they pulled out catering tin of Nescafe.
Photo: Sorry, Andel’s Cafe, but this may be the least inspiring cafe sign in Bristol. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx1tqZ2pl

B247Martin This lean-to in Hotwells measuring 18 sq m is being sold at auction as a studio flat for £30k: bristol247.com/channel/news-c… pic.twitter.com/5fd9iUdKyE
@thekarleighshow !?
@cageNL @DannyvanKooten @CoenJacobs Email has the aura of your kid coming up and saying, “so, just out of interest, are vases expensive?”
cageNL So WPWML changes my password, reason: ‘to make sure my account stays safe’ & sent me new pwd in plain text
So WPML, what’s really going on?

iammrsfox @gothick @StiffPigeon pic.twitter.com/81Ky4nePOw

Posted without comment. pic.twitter.com/cE8pviWNvK