kennwhite People don’t expect DOD-level security but, Seagate, please stop adding hidden hardcoded root logins to hard drives.
@benjohnbarnes You don’t use GoodReads, then?

Yin and yang.
@Indiechops They were indeed good fun.

ftweekend We lived in a golden age from the mid-1990s to 2001, says @KuperSimon
Stick ‘em up! I have a gun!
@shezza_t Thanks! Yeah, it’s been a colourful sort of day.
@kurtinatlanta @Ihnatko I’ll exchange half a square metre of UK living room if it means I can see the new season of Person of Interest :)

Bristol afternoon.

Out on a shout #bristol @AvonFireRescue
@doeeyedlettuce Why am I suddenly thinking of chopsticks?
@doeeyedlettuce I’m increasingly a lightweight when it comes to beer. Harder to overdose on kittens ;)

In other news, @AhhToots is still making beautiful cake, and the Rajasthan Heritage band were on Corn St. #bristol
@doeeyedlettuce Kitten time!? I’d pay for that in preference to beer ;)

Telegraph The Queen and her Prime Ministers | @bobscartoons
Think I spotted a @doeeyedlettuce from a distance earlier. *waves*
Bonus! @SausageItalian have some of @GingerBeardsP banana ketchup for some great #Bristol harbourside street food matching today ;)
I will also be going to the tip, listening to The Archers and clearing out some old files. #middleagetweets
Morning all. Today I will mostly be clearing the books out of my hall so someone can lay new carpet at some future point. #middleagetweets
AhhToots Good Morning ☀️☀️ bristol.
We’re open today 10-4
Come get a fig #friand
AlanaMassey Why does “I work from home” sound like “You should come over and expect my undivided attention because my job is fake” to so many people?