@Ihnatko It’s been a pleasure knowing you. You know, just on the off-chance I never hear from you again.
@emmafurious Yeah, but at least I got a vote in the Labour leadership! Also: it’s over. Might still be more than a year of Trump to go.
johnfbraun @gothick It’s in 2016, of course, but I think they started this early to help generate scary Halloween masks to stimulate the economy.
Remind me, how many years is it until the U.S. presidential election? I remember the last one dragging on for about a decade…
psobot Went to check the weather on forecast.io. Mis-typed as forecats.io. Was not disappointed.
@hatsandbikes @katchabilek Excellent, thanks! He’s pretty local to me, too. And an excuse to pop into Chai Shai ;)
@katchabilek Yeah, they don’t make ‘em like they used to :) No problem! I shall try DIY, slowly and in instalments!
@katchabilek …and I have a feeling that if I try it myself I might actually end up in casualty, let alone making a mess of it :)

@katchabilek …I’m hoping to have the bottom put back on a 1950s camera casepic.twitter.com/8UMTMxZ9YOYO
@katchabilek Hi! Don’t know about fun, or even “possible”, but…
@Kavey What, all of us? Sorry, we were out :)
@ChuckWendig I wouldn’t mind advertising so much if the algorithms were *better*, at least.
@ChuckWendig And often nonsensical. Hey! You just bought a Canon DSLR! So you *must* be interested in buying this Nikon DSLR right now!
Right then. instagram.com/p/7f3MDuJC3z/
mutablejoe we were so poor growing up we could only afford the frozen prince of bel-air
KWActionGroup This SUNDAY Kings Weston house will be open to the public as part of Doors Open Day weekend. We will also have an… fb.me/4KOlRkIXh
@restingchef Damn! That would be just the kind of thing I’m looking for.
@waiyeehong Ta, will check them out.
@xabl Lordomat camera case :)
@paulahillier :)
Anyone know a Bristol leather repair shop who do hand-stitching? Tried places like Clifton Cobblers but what I’ve got won’t fit on machines.
The Tradewind “Biggie Smalls” :) @ Tradewind Espresso instagram.com/p/7fRuYvJC-r/