Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 15th, 2015

@Kavey …and get the old one out. So having gone through all that, now thinking I should make it nice and saleable & put books in storage.

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@Kavey Well, the carpet needed doing either way, and I had to get the bookshelves out temporarily anyway, to fit a new sofa through…

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@Kavey Yeah. If I don’t put them back there’ll at least be a hall table and a bunch of pictures on right hand wall, I think.

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@Kavey Aww, thanks! Transatlantic guest post ahoy…

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@shezza_t The old carpet was there in 1999, when I moved in! Also: nice man called Wayne from Carpetright did the fitting.

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benhorsleyco Just updated my phone to the latest OS and my life is exactly the same. What the hell.

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@TechCorrect I believe Jeph Jacques has created the perfect shirt for you, given the latest…oY

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My memory is poor enough that all my future TV needs might be met by just alternating watching all of _Buffy_ and all of _House_.

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@mistymaria @R2UK @floyduk …though it was probably several years overdue an upgrade by the time that happened!

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@mistymaria @R2UK @floyduk Ah. Yeah, know what you mean. Seemed a shame to ditch my old TV until it started actively playing up…

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@bexxi Thank you. Now to decide whether to put all the bookshelves back or not…

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Mission: New Hall Carpet accomplished.

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@lukeredpath AirPlay can be incredibly frustrating when it doesn’t quite work. Good luck!

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@lukeredpath 5GHz won’t go through walls as well, though, all else being equal.

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@charlesarthur @_CrystalApp I’d just imagined that Apple weren’t the actual copyright holder, just a licensor.

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@mistymaria Do you have any HDMI on the telly at all? Because I was just about to chuck this if you want to try it?

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@_CrystalApp @charlesarthur All I did was to say they were Logic loops and point them at Apple’s license, which was on the web somewhere.

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@charlesarthur @_CrystalApp It may actually *be* the copyright holder, somewhat bizarrely. But really: dispute it, see what happens.

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@_CrystalApp @charlesarthur I’ve successfully disputed that exact claim in the past and it never reared its head again for vid in question.

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@mistymaria I use an AV receiver, which is basically a giant, really good HDMI switcher, so I only use one input on the telly.

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@mistymaria But no, I’m pretty sure I have nothing with SCART in actual use right now. Which makes these three spares a bit pointless.

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@mistymaria Erm. I did have, three weeks ago. Can’t remember whether I put it in storage or charity shopped it.

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@fdr106 Do you need any? *looks hopeful*

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Pretty sure there’s a roomful of SCART cables in the TARDIS anyway. Third door on the left past the Cloister Room, next to the squash court.

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I mean, “just in case” *what*? In case the Doctor turns up and needs you to pilot the TARDIS back to 1995 and tape something?

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No, Matt, you do not need to keep SCART cables “just in case.”

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RussianEmbassy Just imagine UK media headlines if Russian President called a leading opposition party threat to national security?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:56 AM, Sep 15th, 2015 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@drewm Bloody copycats. Facebook definitely had that feature first.

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