@tsunimee @laurenella_ @arnwal @GlitteryAllsort @face_1985 @Lexington_75 @maybeDB @richardjfoster Thank you. (I hope there won’t be a test later…)
@tsunimee @richardjfoster Current status: sitting on the floor saying the word “lingerie” over and over in a variety of faux-French accents. It’s a good job I’m alone in lockdown.
@tsunimee VoilĂ !
Grateful to letsencrypt for having rate limits, as my fucking up verifying this production certificate five times within an hour is probably a sign that I should take a break…
@Lucyvfreeman @JanetEmson Thanks!
@Lucyvfreeman @JanetEmson Can you recommend a Campion to try for someone completely new to the character?