@tsunimee 😄Nothing too serious with the nuts. I just don’t particularly like any of them. There’s a few I’m okay with but I don’t think I’d miss them if they all disappeared as a species.
IMcMillan Britain’s desperate lack of public toilets says so much about our country. A good piece; more public toilets please! theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
@tsunimee Football. Christmas. Nuts. Lord of the Rings. Dancing.
@MarkSkinner_ @ambrwlsn90 Same here. I remember vaguely thinking, “oh, that looks interesting…” and I’ve not made a website since 😀
@chubbybannister I’m sitting here with a psychology book in front of me, but in front of *that* is TikTok on my phone. Just happened about five minutes into my planned half-hour reading session…
My thoracic spine is regretting the fact that my day job and my weekend hobby now involve sitting in the exact same chair all day long.

Low ceiling. pic.twitter.com/Z6aLV4o5eq
JohnCarmack Hans Asperger said in 1944 that autistic children “lack humor” and “do not get jokes” but what if Hans Asperger wasn’t funny
paul_haine @shakespeareanLK @EwaSR Ophelia should be played by Patrick Stewart