@iamtheshunt1 @dangusset I didn’t get a snap of that one this morning. But yes, they do get about a bit! #followmyrabbits pic.twitter.com/P8Np4pGRUI

Black and white. pic.twitter.com/jNYFuZebqq

Morning wander. pic.twitter.com/FbHvaxNuoa
_pigeons_ This morning’s pre-work walk, meeting @gothick for conversation and fish-spotting twitter.com/avon_stories/s…
ahnlak It’s been too hot to garden this week, so instead I’ve dusted off my (wildly out of date) Ruby knowledge, embraced the wonder that is #DragonRuby and … rewritten Tetris.
“Your call is important to us.” I feel that if it were that important, you could have better hold music than the demo mode from a 1987 Bontempi electronic organ.

CARAA_Center Plaster cast of a wooden table from the Minoan site of Akrotiri on the Greek Island of Santorini, 17th cent. BC. 😳 Μuseum of Prehistoric Thira, Fira. Foto: Kostis Talos /Αθηνολόγιο RT Ioannis Georgopoulos pic.twitter.com/Q3DkqQqauN
Finally (inevitably) bit the bullet and bought @devontech’s DEVONthink. Now all I have to figure out is what I’m going to do with it…
Day off. Went on a mini-walk first thing with @_pigeons_ and have done nothing useful or productive since. Feels good.
@tsunimee Angle grinder?
Annoyed by apparently random red notification dot on the Creative Cloud app menu bar. Turned off *all* notifications. And it appeared again this morning. SHUT UP ADOBE.
@njj4 *Notes down “gules” as a word that will inevitably come up in a Times crossword at some point*