BrendanMcKeigan Every time you cut pieces of cheese, you always cut one more for immediate consumption. Those aren’t my rules. Those are cheese’s rules.
@hayles Ah. That gives less opportunity for play. Damn!
@hayles Tip: tell him you’ll get him back on track, and direct him to your front door. It’s what I’d wished I’d done when it happened to me!

Hrm. Well, I suppose #androidstudio is an early-access preview…
@chrisbrogan That could hardly have been more timely advice. *Closes Twitter*
BangsandaBun Getting into running & need a little push? I’ve written an eBook for that! –>
Into the lock.
@shezza_t @OpinionatedGeek Happy birthday!
@shezza_t I don’t know what Daft Punk Day is.
BenedictEvans Yahoo users are like people who click on banner ads. We know they must exist, but we’ve never met one.
@quantick On time? I thought they let you keep them as long as you liked?
@BangsandaBun Has it moved recently? I thought it used to be at the very top, but now it’s below, at top of page Timeline for me.
Oooh. The National have a new album out today…
@mistymaria @RadioVicky Cool! (Cc. @benjohnbarnes, who wrote the iPhone version :D )