Right. Dumbness confirmed. But at least I had a nice walk and the problem is now solved.
Grand claim. instagram.com/p/ZYKx-HpCwd/
@tyronem Given the thought I just had, I think I need to revise my estimate of personal dumbness upwards quite heavily…
Foreboding. instagram.com/p/ZYG_qKJC8E/
.@tyronem 50% chance that the walk clears my head enough that I realise what really dumb mistake I’ve made, too…
Reached that point in programming where the best idea is to go for walk and hope someone answers my Stack Overflow question in the meantime.

FelicityMorse BREAKING NEWS: a man is stuck in a high chair at a McDonald’s in Cork (h/t @jodythompson) pic.twitter.com/VNRUrHenc0
Satisfying technique: write bug details on index card. Fix bug. Shred index card. Has a nice sense of finality to it.
@wood5y Police are now searching for a drug-dealing mouse who’s currently in cheese withdrawal.
chrismarquardt FYI, Lightroom will *not* be subscription only: bit.ly/12cTiWB