Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 15th, 2013

@Mouse_House Yeah. I was doing some cool stuff, way back. But it also reminded me how long it’s been since I had a girlfriend. Bah.

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@Mouse_House It’s only recently been rolled out.

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Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Just mundane. My first tweet, 1 Mar 2007: “Nattering on Skype with Caz.”…

via Echofon

Downloading my Twitter archive. Shudder to think what my first few tweets were…

via Echofon

I suppose I should probably have dinner first, though.

via Tweetbot for iOS

Right. This little app is now ready for a 1.0 release. Time to write a website.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@Phooto @ahnlak Not a bad thought, but it doesn’t make the phone make a noise if it’s on “vibrate”. Find My iPhone does, cleverly enough…

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*Steps back from hunched position at computer, drained by pixel-pushing*

via Echofon

If you hate your designer, make an Android Service. With the different resolutions and API levels, you need at least 12 fiddly little icons.

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@ahnlak Where’s the fun in that? Also, in this flat there’s no guarantee there’s a phone signal. The WiFi’s good, though.

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@utterben Fuck. I knew there was something I forgot to buy earlier on.

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I just used iCloud’s “FInd my iPhone” to play a sound on my phone to locate it. Turns out is was in the other pocket from normal.

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Did whoever designed this latest iTunes even *try* it in Full Screen? Constantly having to move around all extreme screen edges to do stuff.

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Hrm. Wonder if I can get this finished this evening? *hunkers down*

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@stillawake I’m trying hard to resist an obvious reply here.

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@WebHoundette The best I could manage at short notice was “kumquat”. I like “q”s.

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So there now exists a photo of me holding up a little blackboard with “kumquat” written on it, with a slightly forced smile v

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Nice man called Sheridan asked if he could take a photo of me with my favourite word on the way into town, for a photo project.

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Just seen a delivery by . Cool. Not sure I’d want that job in Bristol, mind.

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Right. Time for a nice walk home before my back seizes up.

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@domwakeling That 2hrs 19 is still about a half hour faster than I’ve ever managed to do one…

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Now in the Birdcage with a pot of Smoky Russian Caravan for an hour or so’s work.

via Instagram

In the old days this would have been a yardstick. It’s now a metrestick.

via Instagram

RichNeville @gothick I’m just going to quickly phone someone about this tweet.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 1:32 PM, Feb 15th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Just paid @SourdoughCafe with @BristolPound’s TXT2PAY thingy. Glad I got it right; it was my first time!

via Tweetbot for iOS

St Nick’s is really busy. I’ve been quite insular the last few weeks. Forgot the world was still happening whether I was there or not.

via Twitter for Android

Someone just walked past making a phone call about someone favouriting a tweet. You understand why I had to tweet about that, right?

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Oops! Forgot to stop @Runkeeper last night. Just reminded me by telling me I’d done 7km in 16 hours. Well, it’s a new personal record…

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Heading into town for lunch. Glad it’s stayed sunny!

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@ahnlak And I am now the proud owner of Which I suppose I should make a website for. *sigh*

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@ahnlak Nope. I left the naming to the last minute so I could go with whatever was free.

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Buying a domain.

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@charlie_cat_esq Hrm. Or maybe not. I did start working for myself so I could make my own rules… *considers rearranging day*

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@charlie_cat_esq Well, I’ll be at my desk for a couple of hours yet. With all that tempting sunshine just outside.

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@charlie_cat_esq I’d rather hit up Sourdough Cafe. I want to buy some flowers, too, and they’re opposite the flower stall.

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@derekarridge Well, me too, but Android’s the platform I know best, programming-wise. Will probably do a version for iPhone for practice.

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ashalynd Python trademark at risk in EU. Now the real Python needs some support from its users:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:06 AM, Feb 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

@derekarridge Well, I have this really simple timer app. But you’re an iPhone user, yes? I’m doing this for Android, at least at first.

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@charlie_cat_esq I just had scrambled eggs on toast, I think I can survive until lunch.

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@charlie_cat_esq To be fair, I’ll probably just walk in along the harbour for lunch in St. Nick’s. And try to avoid Grain Barge on way back!

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@derekarridge …I keep hearing advice that it’s best to release something simple that works and then improve it later, once it’s live.

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@derekarridge My plan in the long run is for it to be a more complicated meditation timer, but…

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@derekarridge It’s a very simple meditation timer.

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@charlie_cat_esq I’m going to get drunk and ride a dog.

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@charlie_cat_esq Sadly or happily, depending on whether I want to get any work done today, she’s in the Lake District at the moment.

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@charlie_cat_esq This is exactly the weather where I get phone calls from a certain friend where she just shouts, “SUNSHINE! BEER! HARBOUR!”

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bristol247 Police call for help to identify mystery cyclist critically ill after fall on Portway

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 9:56 AM, Feb 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

Okay, I think that’ll do for a version 1.0 app icon.

via Echofon

Dutch_interpret Shambolic and unworkable: outsourcing of court interpreting services | Institute of Race Relations…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 9:44 AM, Feb 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

@emmafurious …but I’m guessing not that relevant to your requirements.

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@emmafurious My only personal experience with Totterdown was that I used to go to the Bristol Karate dojo there, which was ace.

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@emmafurious Though I’m less about schools and more about “Hey! It’s like Bedminster, only there are *views*!”

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@emmafurious That’s one of the areas I’m considering, too.

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@emmafurious Given that I’m considering doing the reverse, I’m not sure. But neither of the areas I’m talking about are very bad.

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rem Meteor videos are clearly fake: I didn’t see one single car doing a backflip or explode which EVERY other Russian car footage CLEARLY shows.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 8:49 AM, Feb 15th, 2013 via Echofon)