@Thehappyfatgirl I’ve just never been a fan of most things nut-related.
@Thehappyfatgirl Meh. Hazelnuts.
Right. Going to edit the video like I edit writing. Put it away for the weekend, and come back to it on Monday with fresh eyes.
@liveindetail I’m writing that app next.

liveindetail @gothick Excellent animation and nice voice over too, but I just don’t think you’re appealing to my fitness demographic pic.twitter.com/W8CRwVQU
TallulahMiggins Brie on my iPad screen. No-one suffers like me.
@samsneed12 I’m not sure my cleaner would appreciate it if I wrote her out of a job.
@MsMottram Thanks!
I should probably say, at this point, that @ScreenFlow is bloody brilliant. This is the first time I’ve used it in anger, and it impressed.
@guriben I thought Google were having a hissy fit over playback of H.264 in Chrome because it wasn’t open enough for them?
@guriben It was described by Charlie Brooker as “slightly patronising”. I’m still tempted to put that as a pull quote somewhere.
(The video will work fine for everyone when it’s delivered, mind, it’ll be on YouTube, as that’s where Play Store videos are hosted.)
@guriben Ta. Yeah, it kinda suits the app, though. It’s very cheery and optimistic :D
@Thehappyfatgirl I’ve wanted to do a podcast for ages…
@Thehappyfatgirl Aww, shucks. *blushes*
@guriben It might be Chrome. Google are still sniffy about H.264, right?
Had this fella for years. Still love the way his antlers open beer bottles. instagr.am/p/VM2r8rpC9T/
@SarahPinborough I have no idea. On the plus side, you just reminded me I have booze in the fridge. Thanks1
Still fiddling with the demo video I’m doing. This is the state it’s in so far (may not work in all browsers) dl.dropbox.com/u/838327/Throw…
@BenPark Can you do me a favour and see if you can see this rough cut I’ve shoved into Dropbox? Ta! dl.dropbox.com/u/838327/Throw…
@davidpatrick I switched to them because they had the lowest complaints per customer at the time. Worked out well for me so far…
@boagworld You can’t spell “fucking hilarious” without “unfair” :D
Tea time. instagr.am/p/VMW2nlJC-T/
Right. Wayward phone delivered back to owner, cake eaten, back home. Tea, I think, and then more audio recording.
GreatGeorgeWMB I waved back with the end of my rope. RT @gothick: Waves at @GreatGeorgeWMB instagr.am/p/VMHlaxJCwv/
Waves at @GreatGeorgeWMB instagr.am/p/VMHlaxJCwv/
Vandyk. instagr.am/p/VMG9ENpCwL/
@chubbybannister I should probably get around to Mad Men, too…
Carrot and courgette cake. Cor! @ Workhouse instagr.am/p/VMDbzgJC9Y/
Settling in. instagr.am/p/VMDI7BpC9Q/
Right. Off to lunch at Workhouse Cafe.
Hammering stopped. With a noise gate, I can probably cut out the school playground from the background. Back to recording.
Wow. Never heard the fan in my Air before. Video is clearly excellent CPU-exercise. Work it, baby Mac!
@chubbybannister I watched it for the first time last night (S2E2.) Seems good. I may have to go back to the start, if I have time…

andyjarosz Brilliant! Woman orders photographic cake, gives shop USB stick with photo on. This is what she got: i.imgur.com/xTQEp9Z.jpg via @annieqpr
@Brays_Cottage That’s fair enough. They all clearly hate us.
@chubbybannister Borg. Phasers to “kill”.
(Has anyone seen the new _House of Cards_? I love the original telly version, and _To Play the King_…)
NetflixUK Now streaming: All 13 episodes of Netflix Original Series @HouseofCards. Watch it on your own schedule. nflx.it/U65p9g
My neighbourhood is normally much, much quieter than this. Sod’s law!
Audio recording temporarily postponed due to hammering neighbours, morning break at the primary school, and a helicopter.
@BenPark …I want to get the timing roughly right on the video, so I’ve pretty much got to record the voiceover now.
@BenPark Exactly the latter. Promo video for Get Running for Android. Not sure it’ll be my voice in the end, but…
My little studio for the morning. instagr.am/p/VL0FhhJC1e/
@guriben Cool!
Bloggity: Artist Date 4, in which I visit Pervasive Media Studio, see a new musical instrument and meet a space man. gothick.org.uk/2013/02/01/ad4…