@OpinionatedGeek I did the yard earlier. It’s fab if you’re in any inclined toward OCD, I think.

michael_hendrix This is so true pic.twitter.com/i90pLrpRVr
@Bingo_Little I was also feeling the lack of Sushi Lady. Though for me she’s mostly Takoyaki Lady 🐙
@windyoona The only reason I’ve not installed a Markdown plugin on my blog is wondering which existing posts it’ll break…
@mhoulden Yeah, those mistakes are quite fast at teaching you that JUMP BACKWARDS AWAY FAST ARGH ARGH reflex.
Now to put away the soldering iron. Find it’s best to quit while I’m ahead with electronics, i.e. before I burn a hole in something pricey.

Have also successfully fixed a broken Buddha Machine. pic.twitter.com/CsLXgfgjNQ
@shezza_t Pulled pork Scotch egg. As if you needed any more incentive to drool.

Sorted. pic.twitter.com/dJsoE09eQR

Finally rewiring the intervalometer to work with the new camera. pic.twitter.com/FQqCtK2tay
@Bristolvor It is. Especially now I’ve learned enough gardening to keep most things alive :D

Things always look worse mid-tidy. pic.twitter.com/lLKilrMGhk
@mcelhearn Doesn’t this rely on him having a sense of shame?
📷 Interesting logo and a neat A board at Uchu Peru, Tobacco Factory Market. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx2CsPuGH

Market raid: successful. pic.twitter.com/pkdEd8CCJb

Dappled. pic.twitter.com/GW4a18wUCX