@mathowie Wonder what happens if someone mistakenly sets their recovery email address to your email address?
@jontangerine I’ve swum in there.

EJBrand Waterstones in Oxford pulling no punches, eh pic.twitter.com/1SWh9h798c
Seem to remember finding Black Mirror excellent in the past. First ep of new series seems mind-wrenchingly tedious
Kavey Gulp! I’ve launched my Etsy shop… the first of my little owls are on sale!
Likes, RTs and visits appreciated!..twitter.com/i/web/status/7…qM

cursedimages cursed image 27162 pic.twitter.com/fHOfmOpmsw
Bloggity: acknowledging my odd cafe sign photography habit. gothick.org.uk/2016/10/23/pho…

One for @_pigeons_. pic.twitter.com/UxFYR5DMNz
📷 Yakumama—which sounds like it should be Japanese to my clearly-uncultured ears, but is in fact Latin…tmblr.co/ZD7hNx2DlkSBdZ