Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 26th, 2016

Can’t quite imagine waiting on hold for 1/2 hour to report something that, by definition, isn’t that important……

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@aallan (I have, sadly, run Windows 10 quite a lot recently, and dear Christ, it’s still pretty awful. Maybe Surface is better.)

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@aallan Do you feel, as I do, that the last few years of Apple has softened you up for a change?

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@mcelhearn Noted. If you’re considering a switch, my tip for avoidance is the incompetent banditry that is npower.

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@mcelhearn (Last time my supplier pissed me off I used the ofgem data to pick a new one!)

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@AshleyEsqueda The 27” retina iMac price point felt quite painful, too, but I still bought one. Worth if it most of your work is done there.

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AshleyEsqueda Wowzer, this is a gorgeous product video. Nice work, MS~ via @YouTube

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Think I may still be a little bit hyper from the chocolate shot early. @stnicksmarket is a dangerous place.

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