@BlackDogDays Oh, no you won’t. :D
@BlackDogDays Yur. Alarm clock thing that wakes you up at a point of light sleep in a half-hour window :)
There’s a Flickr group for photos of scenes containing cafe sugar packets? Some people are really quite “niche”…
@LegalWeasel @dietjustice Only through here, I believe. So it’s quite likely us knowing each other is All Your Fault :)
@dietjustice Your dashboard -> reading list -> manage -> settings for that blog -> “stop following”
@MrGreenGus Please feel free to keep it as long as you want. #wackawackawackawackawacka #annoying
Our fire alarm went off at a crucial moment in #wimbledon. I’m thinking someone just burned their dinner while distracted by Lisicki and Li.
@csoanes Very probably.
Got my ADSL back and checked the news. Wish I hadn’t. England seems to be exceptionally depressing today :(
@runnerbeany @BlackDogDays Must’ve been bad for it still to be closed. Anyone hurt? (My ADSL’s dead at the mo; can’t easily check the news!)
@BlackDogDays Maybe there just wasn’t quite enough noise and chaos.
@BlackDogDays Ah! Ta! No, seems I was sleeping like a baby, at 5 at least! :) http://lockerz.com/s/113…
Okay, what *is* going on in my neck of the woods? RTA, I’m guessing. #bristol http://lockerz.com/s/113…
The police helicopter seems to have followed the ferry to Hotwells. Honest, we haven’t done anything!
@lavietidhar @librarythingtim Surely that would only lead to their secretaries having to print out more of that pesky email?
Humph. Have a feeling the last 36 snaps I took went onto the back of the camera rather than any film.
Lunch at the lovely @SourdoughCafe :) @ St Nicholas Market http://instagr.am/p/GOsR…
@RamonYouseph Have also been rubbish. We should go for a jog together — physically or virtually! @emmafurious
@floyduk I had money earmarked for a splurge. From FCPX debate I’ve heard so far, quite lucky that all I know is a bit of iMovie!