@BlackDogDays @Jorence And also that I was there with @talkie_tim and @Nose_in_a_book, to name but two… #grainbarge #smallworld
@BlackDogDays Hah! Don’t feel so bad for missing it now :) I was facing the other way most of the evening, otherwise I might’ve seen you!
@BlackDogDays See! —> http://twitter.com/gothi…
@BlackDogDays Yur. With the big batch of photographers who were, apparently, right behind you! ;)
@SpikyZebra It seems to be a pretty popular haunt all round!
Anyway. Yes. Some random test shots with the new lens, if you want to see what the Canon EF-S 55-250 IS is like: http://bit.ly/khiMoJ
BBCBristol Man charged after statue damaged: An 18-year-old man from Oxfordshire is charged after a bronze sculpture in Bri… http://bbc.in/kQCRqZ
@BlackDogDays Were you? Did you see me?
What kind of afternoon was it in Bristol? This kind. Hurrah! http://flic.kr/p/9Q3XE7
@tastapod @gdinwiddie I’ve seriously considered making a site that is nothing but a picture of a pot plant that you explain your problem to.
@hayles Do the gardening. *prod*
Cuteness from the way home. #fuzzyduck #duckyfuzz http://twitpic.com/56fsn7
@hayles @talkie_tim I AM NOT SANTA. Also, it’s June.
@hayles @talkie_tim *splutter* *sound of back-pedalling*
@hayles …so, that leaves… Er. Nothing. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. http://lockerz.com/s/107…
@hayles Well, guessing you’re not a size nine, so the shoes are out. And think I’m going to need the Dyson fan in this weather.
All the packages I’ve been waiting for for weeks have turned up today. Woo!
I’m not saying today is dragging, but if I were naming my work D&D character, he’d be called Yawnymuch Borednow.
Ahm76 There’s something in the third beer that commands me to eat 8 bowls of cereal. I can’t control it. I obey. #acceptance #wisdom #serenity
@DrHairbear Amen.