@tsunimee Yeah. Brains really need “off” switches, don’t they?
@tsunimee Yeah. Same here. Bah. My thinking: if I go to bed now, maybe I’ll be fresher for doing it tomorrow :(
@Phooto And, if we’re talking Rhodia lined pads, how much would the paper weigh? Come on, don’t keep me in suspense! #uselessstats
@MrGreenGus My advice is to find a family member who’ll buy you a nice pen for passing your A-levels. Worked for me.
@MrGreenGus It’s a great thing to splurge on if you love writing. I’m a fan of good paper, too, got a thing for Rhodia pads. #fetishes
@MrGreenGus Once it needed a new ink reservoir. They sent me three by return of post. Fifteen years after I bought it.
@MrGreenGus I’m not really up on the current market! Have had this one since I was eighteen. But that is, in itself, an advert for Sheaffer!
I have written hundreds of thousands of words with this pen. http://bit.ly/jqGKL4
@jamesclay No, but now you’ve said that, I’ve gone and got my pen from its semi-retirement and filled it up with ink. Feels good.
@johnmcg This is the one that came with my SanDisk card, if that’s any help: http://www.lc-tech.com/s…
@johnmcg Also seen recovery software where there’s a free version that can tell you what it’s found, then a pay-for version to recover.
@johnmcg My last Sandisk card came with recov. software on one of those mini-CDs. Might be downloadable.
@johnmcg Did it come with recovery software (really; some do, and I normally forget that they did.)
@xabl How very un-UTF8.
@xabl Funnily enough, I think ΞΎ might be mine!
@slicknic Who CARES? He’s ROBERT PESTON!
Writing a letter.
@HeardinLondon Does that include sunscreen? #optimist
@ShabbyBean Odd girl.
@MediaBen I have no idea who any of those people are.
RT @SourdoughCafe: First ever tweet, how very exciting! Hopefully it wont take to long to get into the swing of it?! <- Yay!
@SpikyZebra Thank you! Took me 4 tries while I was getting rained on. This is how the first 3 turned out :) http://lockerz.com/s/112…
@jennycolgan Er. Okay: question one. What’s P&I?
@becksldrt Glad it’s not just me.
hayles Can you freeze pate? #costcorelatedquestions #wecanteatakiloofpate #wetotallycouldthough
@BenPark Arse. :(
@domwakeling @KaveyF I’ve been very similar. Bad yesterday and today. X(
@BenPark The dog one. :D
@BenPark PS: about to float past you in a No. 7 ferry.
@Phooto I’m just glad the aspect ratio is still 1:1.
@BenPark The more walking you do, the more you’re prepared to spend on better fabrics. Merino wool tees FT-non-sweaty-W.
And again I am grateful for my rucksack’s padded laptop compartment. #pizza
Ghost rider. http://lockerz.com/s/112…
@StJamesPT *waves from next door*
marcusbrig Woohoo - in Bristol tonight for the Festival of Ideas. 7pm at St Georges. Love this city. My comedy birthplace!
@hayles @KaveyF I might have to start doing that :) My hate is being called “Mat” in reply to emails signed “Matt” sent to “matt.gibson…”
GreatGeorgeWMB Greetings to my new followers: @gothick and @BristolBuild. I’m delighted to dedicate the two o’clock chime to you both. A bong each.
@RamonYouseph I believe skipping ropes wash whiter, too! *sunlight glints off teeth*
@emmafurious @RamonYouseph We didn’t do skipping, but karate was definitely most intense I ever did.
@RamonYouseph First time anyone’s suggested that!
@KaveyF Goodness, it’s like, this weekend, right?
@KaveyF @ahnlak I have managed not to do that so far. Of course, should I turn down a film puller, will immediately do it.
How did the Bristol Half end up being just 12 weeks away? Still need to lose a couple of stone :(
KhurmArshad Anyone here fancy running the Bristol half marathon September 11th…for @MDBBFT …? #bristol #charity
@ahnlak I have to be very careful that owning a single piece of darkroom equipment doesn’t encourage me to buy the rest. #slipperyslope
@ahnlak A film puller? Will I need one?
@KaveyF I’d love one, hon. Just been lugging the Praktica around again recently…
NivenJ1 Being told there’s an iTunes update available is the 21st century equivalent of being told Allied Carpets are having a sale.
@NivenJ1 Except Allied Carpets didn’t make you sign a new licence agreement every time you walked in.
@BenPark @KhurmArshad Ah, I entered ages ago; pretty sure I’ve already signed up to do it for St. Peter’s Hospice…
@guriben Hah! Maybe I should get some and do a guest chocolate review for @KaveyF :) http://bit.ly/mOCgIQ
guriben @gothick saw this and thought of you #lovecraft http://cryptocurium.blog…
@ahnlak Likely to get some converts. It’s a miracle when they turn up, after all.
@seengee We should therefore communicate solely through our common shared language: LOLcats.
@Harkaway Hint: if she’s not talking to you, it’s probably because of what you did next Monday.
@OpinionatedGeek “Infinity upgrade man”? Careful! Sounds like something out of a Philip K Dick novel.
Hicksdesign New domain names announced! .lol, .plz and .wtf
#breakfasterography @ Baristas Coffee http://instagr.am/p/GDvc…