@hayles Sucky. Hope you sleep well in the end. Off to have a go myself right now.
I turned some moments from this afternoon’s jogging warm up/cool down into an ITV drama intro :) http://www.youtube.com/w…
@KaveyF Sparkly!
@KaveyF Who is this strange star in my timeline?
Gary_Bainbridge Just opened a can of whup-ass. Why on earth do they have to make it the same colour as a can of Coke?
@ahnlak It was cheap with Photoshop Elements, so I though I’d give it a go. It has some nice features in its blurb. But not in reality.
@ahnlak That explains a lot. Surprised they’ve not destroyed it yet, then. :(
@ahnlak I have edited my movie in iMovie while waiting for Elements Organizer to find the media on my camera.
@ahnlak It does appear to be, well, a steaming pile of Adobe. God only knows how they came up with Lightroom.
Trying to get Adobe Premiere Elements to do anything useful at all. Failing.
@hayles Is it? I thought it was quite scary. Maybe Kin Yip Hon sells the real deal?
@runnerbeany Good, thanks. Didn’t push too much, but better than not running!
@hayles Ah.
@hayles ARRRRRGH?
Cookin’ steak. And a mushroom. A big mushroom.
@VeraR2010 Okay, ta! About 6K, but with some walking to give myself a break from the hills.
Right. I am going out for a run. Don’t know how far, but I know it’s going to be slow. Better than no run at all, though.
@technex How can you be out of pasta? It spontaneously forms at the back of cupboards, I’m sure of it!
@Lillput No, know what you mean. One of those things where you need to get past the excruciating first twenty times to relax at it.
@Lillput Ooof. Never done anything live like that. *sympathy*
@technex Pasta and something out of a tin tends to be my standby in moments of fridge-emptiness.
@MrGreenGus *raises hand*
@MitchBenn @caroldecker I am *so* going to make a Twitter bot that tells people that when it hears the words “Mac” “hash” and “keyboard”.
I think today might be the day to get myself started off again.
Goodness. It has been nearly a month since I went for a run. Though I have been cycling to work and had a sore knee.
@hayles I bet you get more than me.
@thehyperbole Oh, is *that* what the noise is? I was just about to oil my front gate.
@hayles I am a whimsical cupcake guru specialising in social SEO.
@BenPark Are you suggesting that kidless people in their 30s will be more interested in the boring adult stuff? ‘Cos I’m not…
@MediaBen No, that would be an “efficiency hack”.
@BenPark I’m going to live in a cave with canned food until the internet goes away. It’s the only way to be safe.
@Jorence :(
@xabl Yeah, but you’re not sitting here in the dark :)
RT @NiteGlow: BBC News - Sega says hackers stole data of 1.29m users http://bbc.in/iHDXI1 <— Should I quit Steam before it’s too late!?
@xabl Well, for starters, I’ve not actually *fitted* the lightbulbs.
God, I am being rubbish this weekend. There is half a day left and I have to fit a whole weekend’s chores into it.
Just created a linen-style backdrop for my Mac; downloads here if you want to try them on your computer :) http://bit.ly/mv6Gxa
sasarcola be polite, cheerful & laugh at stuff! Good advi@caitlinmoranoran: Interview, in the Observbit.ly/jaI4pRGkMC”