I know nothing about Mardy Fish. But if I were Wimbledon umpire he’d be in. “Mardy Fish wins by two sets and THE BEST NAME EVAH SO THERE.”
@BlackDogDays *bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* *wild eyes* (Also, hope that result’s a good one. *hug*)
I MaYhAVE hadtOo mUCHCofFEE.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Next to and just round corner from Primrose. You pass Amoeba garden if you use side entrance to Arcade.
@stillawake @BlackDogDays I like the Coffee #1 there, too. Amoeba’s garden is nice, and have heard good things about 194F.
@hayles She plans to get through quite a lot of practice: http://lockerz.com/s/115…
Emmeline is practicing :) @ St Nicholas Market http://instagr.am/p/GngC…
Anyone else near St Nick’s Market at the mo? :)
@ahnlak It might be if I want to sleep tonight.
Off for free coffee. This could be a bad idea.
NickMotown The reason there is often a storm in a teacup is because they’re quite muggy.
@hayles Mmmm. Matador!
@meemalee Susan Blackmore (who wrote “The Meme Machine”) pronounced it “meem” when I went to a reading, so I’m going with that.
@MissEmmeline Yes, I particularly like the union jack wellies…
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Will try it again at some point. But so many nice places in Clifton Village, easy to get put off one if not great.
Fab Big Picture shots of Glasto: http://www.boston.com/bi…
@boagworld Have you been telling Marcus about your mother?
@BenPark Sounds very much like it.
@stillawake @BlackDogDays Not sure what happened, but it was previously “Bar Chocolat”.
@BlackDogDays @stillawake Even since the… rebrand? Change of ownership? …have avoided it because service used to be so dreadful.
Feeling good! That’ll be the codeine, sadly. #headache
Aww. #lostinthestreet @ Pump House Ferry Landing Stage http://instagr.am/p/GmSB…
@hayles Is there any company who’s got better after a rebrand?
@hayles Or maybe not. But yes, mine arrived in the window and I was very impressed. It’s like the anti-Home Delivery Network.
@hayles Free pizza!