@stillawake This is that “Geishas In Flight” painting I was trying to describe :) http://twitpic.com/5aa0z3
@Glinner @kirstenin Well, seeing as the image file itself is called “2_reign.jpg”, I think that’s pretty plausible… #geek
@mikedunn I did. I’ve not seen it, though.
@ParkBen Well, he’s the Buddha to me. :)
Right. Off to Swindonia.
@danfairs I shall pop your testimony on the ever-increasing evidence pile, assuming I can still reach the top. Ta.
@VictoriaCoren I draw your attention to @ Whatleydude’s prescient marketing skills: http://twitter.com/Whatl…
@scottejames Frightening, innit? *HUG*
RT @CasJam: Today is my wedding day :) <— Awww :)
annaarrowsmith RT @R_McCormack: The Spanish art of making a cookbook as attractive as possible for purchase http://instagr.am/p/Fikn…
@scottejames I’ve known you for twenty years and I’m still not sure if you’re human. Give the CAPTCHA a break :)
Oooh. That’s a rarity: something actually interesting pushed through my letterbox. #bristol #beer http://lockerz.com/s/109…
You know, I *really* need to quit the day job so I can spend more time doing stuff I love *and* slacking off. All three is *hard*.
@parryphernalia I’m not sure I’d want the risk of being sued by E. Coli victims.
@KaveyF @SharonECampbell Sometimes this trick works: Google the station name plus the local dialling code.
Wandering the Get Running forums, spreading sage advice. Or something.
@rabidbee @Swishrelic Not going down there with a bead trimmer. Too much danger of accidents. #ouch
Oh noes! The Buddha has fallen. Reckon he’ll be okay, though. http://lockerz.com/s/109…
@stillawake @HilaryCarden Oooh, I dunno. You might not like me on a Tuesday. :)
DIY Matt has DIY’d. New mirror joy! http://lockerz.com/s/109…
@hayles Not yet. Need to fetch it. And hang it. Have bought beer as an incentive to work.
Wow. That guy’s so far from the kerb that I’m wondering if there’s a new Park & Ride scheme operating round here.
Atlas Interiors have a sale on, and I now have a mirror for my lounge. That was, therefore, an unexpectedly pricey haircut.
Waiting my turn. @ Savy’s http://instagr.am/p/FiOr…
Playing Garbage’s _Stupid Girl_ in the barbershop. Love this song. And also Neil Young’s complete different one with same name.
This morning I took a photo halfway through trimming the beard. I may kick off a new fashion. Or not. http://lockerz.com/s/109…
SimonNRicketts I’m going to dress in my shabbiest clothes and amble about in public. Men, join me on my #slobwalk
Papadeli #microcopy http://lockerz.com/s/109…
Have just drunk latte and eaten banana cake (expected pleasure) and met @stillawake and entourage :) (unexpected pleasure!)
@stillawake Yuppity!
Love the feeling of light and space in the RWA. http://lockerz.com/s/109…
RWA papadeli for lunch, I think. :)
@archidave Cool. Enjoying the detail, close up, but didn’t bring a “real” camera :)
One penny. @ RWA http://instagr.am/p/Fh_z…
Damien Hirst @ RWA http://instagr.am/p/Fh_d…
Walky walk. http://lockerz.com/s/109…
@KaveyF I watched that earlier @GuPuds ad because of you blog post, and I liked it ;) #mulhollanddrivemeetspudding
@tsunimee Awwww. *blush*
Leafy leaf. http://lockerz.com/s/109…
There’s nothing like trimming my beard to make me realise just how desperately I need a haircut. Savy’s, here we come.
@stillawake Well, it’s never worked for me yet :(
Right. It may be time to Do Stuff.
RT @headfirstonly: Thanks to @robgreen78 for alerting me to the fact that it’s World Gin Day. Hoorah! <— Guessing @hayles already knows?
@goswoppit Cool! Oh, and Bernard Cribbins, too! Excellent.
@stillawake I am up, and energetic enough for… A really long bath :)
Woken up before my alarm. Still, it’d be rude to get up before it goes off, right?
@emmafurious @RamonYouseph I have been feeling a bit like that too :(. I might go out for something like a 2K just to ease back in…