Unsubscribing from many things. #springclean
@Jorence Actually, it might have been since last winter. It’s loaded with ISO 400 something, anyway…
Today, I have mostly been trying to finish off the roll of film that’s been in this camera for about a year. http://bit.ly/m6zPg4
@technex Ah, I think there’s room for both.
@technex Swings and roundabouts, innit? I don’t like ads, so I generally prefer a pay-for model a bit less plastered in advertising.
@technex I’ve never bothered paying. But then I don’t care much about upload times.
@technex In my experience, that’s normally an overestimate. But yes, basically if you buy pro, then you get to jump the queue.
@technex Yur. Vimeo allows download, which is nice. Do check the extras you can get in the pay-for version; think some are quite nice.
@technex I haven’t researched. But a) Vimeo pretty. b) Vimeo comments aren’t a1l frm compleat fcking morronss u luser!1!!!!!!1!!!!!!
@technex Does that depend on whether you pay for Vimeo or not? Anyway. Vimeo’s nicer :)
@rhodri There is no such thing as “too many lemons.” There is only “insufficient gin.”
@MitchBenn Yes please.
Taking photos on the ferry. Probably bad photos, but I can’t tell. #film
@ahnlak @KaveyF @RedemptionBrew Oooh. Beer. And chocolate. Shaping up to be a good weekend already :)
@technex No, Jehovah’s Witness. But either way, you’d have thought he could have arranged for a sinner to update his website…
@shezza_t Oh dear. One of those, huh? :(
Last time I saw my boiler guy, we had a serious discussion about whether these were the End Times. Now he doesn’t answer the phone. Hmm.
Bwa-ha-ha! #stampofpower http://lockerz.com/s/110…
@KaveyF Passionfruit coffee? I shall send you a large, stamped self-addressed envelope :)
@thomashawk Erm. It would never have occurred to me that it needed them.
New guy at the next desk has an URGENT stamp. This *will* be abused. http://instagr.am/p/FqSv…
Glinner When an elegant & inspiring site li@LettersOfNoteNote has to disable comments, you know there’s a problem http://bit.ly/lbfITC
@mjh53 Yes, I think you have a good point there.
Drug paraphernalia. Or maybe a coffee maker. Is there a distinction? @ Baristas Coffee http://instagr.am/p/Fpvo…
@thomasvenables Maybe I should take some small solace in that. Anyway. Time to try sleeping again. Have a cocktail for me. :)
@thomasvenables BAH!
@thomasvenables No, just insomniac. I will think of you when struggling out of bed tomorrow. I will think of you and curse your coconuts.