@Kavey @SousChefTweet As if. Here we go: plum crumble with yuzu ice cream :D Thanks! pic.twitter.com/KURkS1h6CY
@Kavey @SousChefTweet Good, thanks. I’ll tweet you a pic once the plum crumble is done :)
What? It’s gone 5? Bugger. I accidentally worked all day. That’s not meant to happen.
Was that my imagination, or did a fighter jet just fly over Baldwin Street?
@talithahg What kind of a useless octopus can only play *one* ukelele?
Peculiar Readers of mysteries on Kindle absorb fewer details than paper-readers - goo.gl/5p7Ggl
@archidave Ugh. Painkillers all round!
Mornin’ all. I have a headache. How are you?
petapixel Google’s 360º panorama app ‘Photo Sphere’ now available on iOS: goo.gl/GLKX7n