@24hoursBristol Ta. I managed to work around it by disabling Javascript-looks like the page won’t accept entries for very first timeslot.
@JohnLRiceJLR @hawklord2112 Yup. Second one in a fortnight. Both about the same age. I’m generally careful with them, too.
@24hoursBristol Hi! I can’t upload image—site says my hour slot (00:00 - 01:00) is invalid. Sent question about that but not heard back?
chudders Should you sell your DSLR and get a fuji/ mirrorless camera? Nice summary from @dougchinnery dougchinnery.com/2014/08/should…
@scorpion1966 Grrr.
@scorpion1966 Bah. Second time I’ve been up the thing and the view both times was ten feet of rock and some greyness.
@scorpion1966 I was up there the day after. Apparently a slightly wetter, mistier experience, but still very glad I did it ;)
That was a long long weekend. Back to work properly today. (Worth it. First time I’ve climbed Snowdon, though I got the train back down!)

Apparently, they’re called “Lightning” cables because of the rate you get through them. #apple pic.twitter.com/K0BixWE6Go