Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 11th, 2014

@Swishrelic @garycasamojo And then pretty much every other five minutes, it seems. Now where did I put that dinghy…

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Woah. That would be hail so hard that it’s setting off car alarms, then.

via Echofon

@Bristol52 @jakepjohnson @Saralimback You might think that. I and my other personalities couldn’t possibly comment.

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@Bristol52 @jakepjohnson @Saralimback I was speaking entirely hypothetically :D

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@Bristol52 @jakepjohnson @Saralimback The difference in looks between apps helps my brain remember who I am. Tweetcaster’s a good one.

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@jakepjohnson @Saralimback @Bristol52 I find it can help separate things if you use a different Twitter app for each account.

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Today I have mostly been working on a login screen.

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10 mins to get an OAUTH ssh connection working, half a day to get the background graphic showing on login screen. Such is mobile dev.

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@Malarkey It’s great that you stand a real chance of achieving your dreams.

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Hrm. Think I may just put that jog off until tomorrow.

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@ahnlak I should probably buy the Kindle one as well. This isn’t going to survive another reading. But I’m never going to get rid of it :D

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The XX is a good soundtrack for today’s weather, it seems. *Turns on more lights* *Turns up the music*

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@ChinaShopBull I think of all the acid reflux I’m missing, and it balances out. My doctor says I really shouldn’t even have the one…

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Bloggity: The Balloon Fiesta is my Christmas.…

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@ChinaShopBull Trying not to go down that vicious circle. I normally survive okay on one a day…

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Ugh. Coffee doesn’t seem to have helped my Monday. Chasing with a green tea.

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@Bristol52 Oooh, ‘ello ducks. *raises coffee in morning salute*

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