@panic Ah! Thanks - solved by email. Was WebKit crashing building preview icon.
@Kavey Seems to be. Sitting in the freezer right now.
Currently making Yuzu ice cream: kaveyeats.com/2014/06/quick-… Thanks for the recipe and the yuzacha, @Kavey :D

@ttscoff Woah. I’m not sure I’ve seen “SUPER” before… #lastfm pic.twitter.com/0zzMhHMTar
@Cookwitch @Kavey (Incidentally, if you want to see Chris Tarrant looking *very* young: youtube.com/watch?v=OMQR9D… )
@Kavey (Not sure if it’s too health-conscious or just low demand. It was a pretty unusual item even back when Tiswas popularised it :D)
@Cookwitch @Kavey One of the Co-Ops I tried had space for it, but no stock. Tracked it down in a local indie convenience store in the end…
@Kavey Condensed milk has clearly fallen from fashion since my youth. Had to try four shops!

RedLightBristol Bacon washed @Beefeaterdrygin for tonight with @FlavourSmith at the @runciblespoon1 and we still have 2 places left?! pic.twitter.com/7zsT0QaAFV
@chrisphin Maybe a couple of months of A-B testing would give you a good article for netmag, anyway…
@chrisphin …do you get enough tinfoilhattery to get a statistically significant sample? :D
@chrisphin I’d love to know if changing the address itself to chris.phin at macformat would make a difference…
@chrisphin Where do people get the email address? Is there a way you can make it even more obvious that there’s a human being behind it?

Thank you, Bristol. Likewise. pic.twitter.com/QolnzFuhYa
Eating the same lunch I used to have regularly as a student in 1991, except with organic smoked salmon instead of a tin of Tesco Value Tuna.
@bananza They can be recalcitrant little buggers at times.
@bananza Inside out?