Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 12th, 2010

So, a quick commit before I break it. I declare the evening’s programming a success.

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Right. Dentist this morning, and massage this evening. That’s definitely the right way round, at least.

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@boagworld Spend an hour a day training yourself to kick sideways at the sound of the alarm. Until you can do it in your sleep.

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@hayles One girl, two cups. That’s definitely the way around I prefer these things.

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@ArryMatt I know a lot of tools who do that. Oh, wait, that’s not what you meant, is it?

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The fact that my disparaging comment about auto-tweets was re-tweeted by an auto-tweet bot does rather confirm my opinion of them.

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@joy_james Whom are you sticking to what?

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@hayles Actually, that might work for me, too. *sigh*

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Okay. So, one and a half hours to do something difficult with Google Maps. Cue the Mission Impossible music.

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@Lillput Why thank you. That actually seemed to work.

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Bwa-ha-ha! Looks like I have myself a custom Google Maps tile layer. With Flickr data.

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Goodness, I’m knackered. Bedtime.

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@andybeebristol Cool. I’m drawing a heatmap of photography in Bristol :)

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@floyduk Goodness. I read the instructions once, and it made my eyes water. Hate to think how many little plastic things I’d snap.

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@floyduk For someone good with electronics, I’m really bad with stuff like that. Always have bits left over.

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Right. Morning Pages, shower, work. Get on with it, Matt!

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@benjohnbarnes It’ll be some time. I’ve got to figure out the heatmap generation and tile caching first. And pull the data.

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@benjohnbarnes But what was confusing? Ignore the grid overlay; that was just for debugging the tiling.

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@talkie_tim No. And the most complicated bits are next. Was going to work on it this weekend, but someone gave me a song to remix :)

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@bananza And you know the only way to spot the mistakes is to hit “send”, right?

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Passed the Chinese. Then stopped and walked back. Sweet and sour pork on way. Sometimes, you just need a night off food preparation :)

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