@archidave It comes and goes.
@Swishrelic if it helps, those empty follicles are a perfect 0.2mm hexagonal grid.
@csoanes One of my friends switched recently; the main drawback for me was that she doesn’t sound so sexy in the new voicemail message :)
@csoanes Maybe they’re trying to induce a pang of regret :)
Is any call centre ever _not_ experiencing a higher-than-usual volume of calls?
@jemimakiss Shame you need geotagging; if you can live without it, I’d try Echofon for Mac.
@benjohnbarnes Can’t remember whether I ever read the manual or not. But I’ve probably spent a lot longer playing with iPhoto than you :)
@archidave It looks like you’re wishing your PC was a Mac. Would you like me to rip off a mouse button and send money to Steve Jobs? #clippy
@benjohnbarnes Edit->Adjust. Click the eyedropper next to the temperature/tint adjusters. Click on the image.
Do I have to go to work? Bleh.