@lbpirat Yeah, I understand that. I just don’t understand how it’s different on my work network from the way it works at home.
@hayles That would make a good chorus, I think.
Ahh, the excellent XKCD is excellent. http://xkcd.com/703/
@hayles Oooh, ta. That was the bit I actually wanted to see, but missed because I was still watching _Dexter_ on DVD…
@hannahnicklin “Open your mouth and say ‘ah’.”
Turns out the Lumix FP8 is now so cheap it’s not worth the insurance claim. But FP1/2/3 soon to be released, with sliding lens cover. Yay!
Having gyp upgrading Evernote. Grr.
@ArryMatt I know you’re going to be carting suitcases around lots, but artificially boosting your shoulder muscles is going a bit far!
@ArryMatt You’re going to arm-wrestle everyone, one by one?
Weird. Why does evernote.com bring up a blank page, but www.evernote.com work, but only on my work PC? IP address is the same…
Apparently the procedure to connect to work’s VPN under Windows is “keep saying ‘yes’ to every single one of the 34,387 security warnings.”
@lbpirat …because it looks like it’s a simple htaccess redirect from non-www to www, and it works fine everywhere else.
@OpinionatedGeek @lbpirat Yeah, I’m starting to suspect the work proxy, but I don’t get why it’s only evernote.com that breaks.
@Narshada Except that DNS resolves both names to the same IP address.
Never mind. At least I got Evernote working again. Now I just have to remember this oddity for the next time it happens.
Strikes me that if I spend the extra money on a waterproof camera, that will guarantee I never accidentally run it through the wash.
@bestform It was Firefox that was showing me a blank page! IE just gave an error message. I’m pretty sure it’s proxy weirdness.
@lbpirat That is usually true.
Right. I’m off for a jog. See you in 5K! #getrunning
Gah! My @Runkeeper voice prompts became WAY TOO LOUD BY DEFAULT WITH THAT LAST UPDATE. My ears hurt. Turned down now.