Time to convert some of my Adam Hall collection to hardback. My _Mandarin Cypher_ is wearing out.
@archidave Only just left work :(
@hannahnicklin Damn, that makes me hungry. Right, paella time!
@scottejames Well done, fella! #getrunning
Appear to have bought waterproof stock cubes.
Why do they keep on saying “GSW” in CSI? Surely that’s longer than the thing it’s “abbreviating”?
@Playleimagery I was guessing Gun Shot Wound. Either way, it’s still longer to say!
Switched to Reeder from Byline for iPhone feed reading. Seem to have lost nothing and gained Instapaper support. Ta for tip, @hotdogsladies!
@LouisTrapani I switched away from NetNewsWire during the period the desktop app had moved to Google Reader sync but the iPhone app hadn’t!
@foxc A “remember to read this later” service with support in many apps. http://instapaper.com
@LouisTrapani Yup.
@LouisTrapani Don’t know for sure; I don’t really use clippings.
@alexander_craig ZFS, perchance?
@richardgould Are you trying to figure out an existing one? Tried What The Font?
@talkie_tim Wow. My highest point today was some trigonometry.
@parryphernalia Is there any way you can switch one set of flyers so they all end up in the same room?
Oh, FFS, Google, will you please stop being so “user friendly”? Grr.
@csoanes I still think my suggestions were better: http://twitter.com/gothi… But still don’t have anyone for BA.
@csoanes …with the possible exception of Oprah Winfrey, but that wasn’t my suggestion.
@Lillput Try it like The Count. “One pedestrian! Ah! - ha! - ha!”
The Loebner Prize will be collected soon. People are getting exponentially dumber every year; they’ll catch up with computers in the end.
@mattgemmell Echofon.
Crimson Tide!
@lovefilm Crimson Tide!