Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

February 20th, 2010

Hacking myself up an RSS feed for my Tumblr dashboard.

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Right. Morning Pages time. While it’s still, like, _morning_.

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I never realised Pritt Stick was so terribly masculine that it warranted a Just 4 Girls version.

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…presumably, though, Pritt R&D couldn’t find a way of making it less phallic, so they had to settle for a simple pink conversion.

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@benjohnbarnes Think I have a Nike+ thingy somewhere, but I’ve never given it a go.

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Oh, *dental* hospital. The next table’s conversation was more worrying when I though they were talking about biting in *mental* hospitals.

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In Clifton Village BTP, having avocado and olive thingy.

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@shezza_t I have the disturbing impression that you may be right.

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Leaving lovely cocktail party just before they start on the espresso martinis. Sounds just a tad too dangerous. ;)

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@Jorence May have to try that next time I’m there!

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@Jorence h, At that Emmeline, she’s a pusher, she is. Had me doing straight espresso shots last time I was there. Dangerous woman.

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Today I tried to find some colour to offset some of last night’s bleak black and white set.

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All right. Now have an RSS feed for my tumblr dashboard. All my feeds are belong to… er, me.

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Final svn commit log: “Removed extraneous comment to make the code exactly 200 lines long. Because I could.”

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Twitter has done to stop people putting two spaces after a full stop than _The Mac is Not a Typewriter_ ever did.

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@Lillput If it’s any help, the e-books (PDF) are generally very good. Anything in particular you need/want to do?

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@Lillput Sounds doable. PHP on the server side?

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Hmm. Facebook just told me I didn’t have permission to add a comment. To a post I made. While I’m logged in. Who broke what?

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