@leigh It’s Just Wrong!
@leigh Just look her straight in the eye and tell her: “IJW!”
@tsunimee I thought it sounded French. The word, I mean, not necessarily the action :D
@asic69 It’s an electomagnetic guitar bow. It’s a bit odd. Erm. Hang on. Showing’s easier than describing: http://bit.ly/cmOujZ :)
@hannahnicklin Reset days are fab. And knowing when to take them is a highly underrated skill.
Playing with my new EBow :)
You seem to be buying a pint of milk. Would you like to install Microsoft Silverlight?
Sitting on ferry earwigging on people discussing my postcards :) Yay! They’re buying some!
Just popped a few photos from the shopping centre lightsabre flashmob into my photostream :) http://www.flickr.com/ph…
@benjohnbarnes Cool. Really must get one of those things to attach it to my laces at some point, so I can give it a proper go.
@benjohnbarnes Not that I remember. But I found it while I was tidying up yesterday, if you want me to experiment in any way…
@asic69 Which is for telling which string the field’s directed against, so unusually non-pointless, as blue gadget light go :)