Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 29th, 2011

@Bob_at_BH It must’ve been repeated, otherwise I’d not have remembered it as well as I do.

via Echofon in reply to Bob_at_BH

Bob_at_BH …that talked to the children that lived there. Not much to go on, I’ll admit. Everyone knows the show, but no one knows the title. :(

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Dec 29th, 2011 via Echofon)

Bob_at_BH UK friends, a quest! I’m trying to remember the name of a children’s program, mid-80s(ish) that had a golden bird on top of a wardrobe…

via YoruFukurou (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Dec 29th, 2011 via Echofon)

@Bob_at_BH Hrm. The only vaguely golden birds that spring to my mind are Professor Yaffel :) and the phoenix from The Phoenix and the Carpet

via Echofon in reply to Bob_at_BH

@danoliver I was *delighted* to find a bag of carrots in the fridge last night. Strange time of year, this.

via Echofon in reply to danoliver

Running bloggity-thing: On New Year’s Resolutions…

via Echofon

@thekarleighshow Mmm. I have scrambled eggs. Seems to be helping.

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@caitlinmoran I am *so* glad that your Weeping Jotter is about crying.

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Right. Lemsip. And coffee. *lurches from bed* *heads zombie-like for kitchen*

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@thekarleighshow I should be so lucky. I could croak forlornly until you took pity and fetched the Lemsip.

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I am lying in bed feeling slightly sorry for myself. At some point the desire for Lemsip will decant me.

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@MrGreenGus @PenStar_words Plastics as well? Hurrah! Hopefully by then I’ll have worked out my new collection day…

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@BlackDogDays Happy post-birthday, dear.

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@thekarleighshow And to think they say that romance is dead.

via Echofon in reply to thekarleighshow