@MandinaM I don’t know, but when you catch up with them, please get mine back, too.
@Phooto Yes, and you can rent TV shows on it in the US, too. This is a media industry legal problem, not a tech problem :)
@MadamJMo For me, tapbots.com/software/tweet… every time.
@Phooto Anything confirmed? “Sometime in 2012” has been a vague speculation since the ATV2 launched…
@Phooto Bearing in mind I’m pretty sure you can’t even rent TV shows on the UK Apple TV, I doubt Netflix is an option.
@Phooto That would require me buying an iPad. I have an Apple TV, and I’ve never seen a Netflix option.
@Phooto The Apple TV streams Netflix? What, in the UK?
@KaveyF Well-formed. As opposed to valid. It’s a long story, and not very interesting.
@KaveyF Actually, it doesn’t need a DOCTYPE if it’s not HTML. <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”><pedantic>This is well-formed.</pedantic>
@KaveyF Just count yourself lucky Twitter doesn’t have enough characters for a DOCTYPE declaration.
@KaveyF <very-sad-observation>It wouldn’t have been well-formed XML if I hadn’t.</very-sad-observation>
@Phooto Yes, but then you’d need another shed for the tandoor :)
@Phooto I’m not saying I’d pay ten grand for it. But if someone offered me one for Christmas and I had somewhere to put it… :)
@Jorence Me too. Sadly, though, I’d need (a) a garden, and (b) at £10,890, to wait for the cheap IKEA version to come out. (SHĖDD?)
@KaveyF <evil-genius>ANYWHERE! ANYWHERE I WANTED! BWAHAHA!</evil-genius>
I think I’ve found the answer to my distraction problems. patrickrhone.com/2011/12/19/mic…
@Thehappyfatgirl Well, buy one for me while you’re there :D
@Thehappyfatgirl From the metadata, that would be the Canon EF 24-105 “L”. And I would like one, too :)
Oooh, it’s the coffee I buy from those nice @extractcoffee people, photographed by my friend Simon. Lovely shot! flic.kr/p/aXPrE2
@BristolBites Erm — did you know something’s tweeting on your behalf with random trending hashtags attached?
@siracusa I hate that. The signature of bad design, in this case, being the invisible dividing line between “can drag” and “can’t drag.”
I started my Christmas shopping today. By way of celebration I’m now readying popcorn and _The King’s Speech_.
@BlackDogDays I have just randomly bumped into Mandy in the Guild cafe!
@matt_fwyalchen Having now calmed down a bit from my jinglemusic-inspired stabby anger, I find myself unsurprised by that. #calm
@redlegoman And also rather a long way round compared to the old way of doing things, which I’d be happy to continue for podcasts. Bah.
Oh, #bristol Guild, what an oasis you are, free from terrible Christmas music. *heads for cafe*.
@redlegoman Yur. It all gets quite fiddly and complicated, I’m afraid.
@redlegoman Sorry!
@redlegoman It’s because my iPod connector is in my glove compartment and my stereo just plays playlists that led me to do it my way.
@redlegoman (Full rant about how it doesn’t work any more here: gothick.org.uk/2011/12/16/itu… for your delectation :) )
@redlegoman As in, just make a new playlist and drag podcast episodes into it, yeah.
@redlegoman On the downside, the fact I can’t now sync manual playlists of podcasts is very annoying.
@redlegoman Yur. Quite enjoying it. And not feeling like I’m bumping hard up against my 16GB of memory, too.