@archidave I believe it’s this that people are talking about. Don’t know how it’s rolling out, though. fly.twitter.com/#
sizemore Has anyone checked Twitter HQ to see if they’re ok? Maybe there was a carbon monoxide leak and the twitching corpses ‘designed’ new Twitter
Judging from my timeline, the new Twitter isn’t yet massively popular.
@aedison This may be the first time anyone’s used *that* as a progress bar.
@Jorence @benjohnbarnes @hayles GRR.
“@bhaggs: Twitter for iPhone pro-tip: swipe up on Me for DMs and swipe left on Me to switch accounts.” @drewm
shanerichmond “I wish I could engage with a brand right now,” I often think to myself. I’m sure you do too.
So far, three people have told me that I look ten years younger since I gave up the day job. Did I *really* look 49 before?
Snappity: A slice of @eladamegateau bit.ly/v8cr9h
Tumblypost: Well, I only had a £55,003 note on me… bit.ly/uieyJ8
@rabidbee No, I’m going to tumble *those* seperately :D
@BlackDogDays Yes. So with PLENTY of time to take a photo. Grr.
If I were to climb into the tumble-drier right now, should I put myself on the cotton cycle? “Synthetics” doesn’t seem right.
Just posted a photo instagr.am/p/X-322/
Urgh. Think I’ll get a boat home. #filthyweather
emmafurious Wowsers @gothick @Jorence & I may burst eating @eladamegateau ‘s posh slices. Lush. Go buy some @No1Harboursideside
A non-fail whale! #unusualtwittersights instagr.am/p/X-KAJ/
Checking out the Bristol Creatives pop-up shop :) lockerz.com/s/163078984
@emmafurious Yup, in that case I will work a bit longer and aim for half past. Lunch and cake :D
@emmafurious How ‘bout you?
@emmafurious Yup. Was planning to leave here about 11:45, lazy wander in, should get there about 12:15.
@MissRacingSnake If I’d have thought, I’d probably have saved it for tomorrow. There must be a #furryfriday hashtag…
Just processing some of my holiday snaps from October. Hello, kitteh! bit.ly/rXuhsE
@Tinpot Yur, that’s what I’d been doing. Just struck me as a bit frictional, so I wondered if I was missing an easier way. Ta.
@floyduk I don’t seem to be able to drag a band name into a playlist. Am I missing something? bit.ly/uYA9u4
If someone’s randomly told me “you might like <list of five bands>”, is there an easy way with Spotify to randomly sample from that list?