@tsunimee I would say “micturating” but you’d think I was taking the piss.
Snappity. Still practising my “zero edits” photos. Here’s one from the market today. flic.kr/p/aTmqS8
@betty_watson Gotcha! Well, if you see me there again, it’s definitely me :)
@betty_watson Oh, hang on, you mean we were *both* outside the Watershed at our respective mates’ stalls? #confusion
@betty_watson Yup!
@betty_watson Almost certainly! Guarding a pram outside thd Guild?
In the @wshed to warm up after keeping @MissEmmeline company on her (bloody freezing!) stall. :)
Just passed by bunch of thuggish looking types with armbands with the police following. Whassup? #bristol
Rigged. instagr.am/p/YTV-s/
Just followed by @acupuncturebris — “Passionate about getting you pregnant”. You know, that’ll probably take more than just passion for me.
Oh, hello, DAY OFF! Right. I’m going to drag myself out to the harbourside market while there’s sun in the sky.
@KaveyF *bows deeply*
RT @KaveyF: New post - Lucky Chip, London Fields Brewery and Broadway Market: bit.ly/tF2Try <— That was a lovely day!
@MandinaM Morning!