Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 14th, 2011

I am feeling astoundingly un-Christmassy.

via Tweetbot for iOS

@sowerbyandluff It is. And the specific shape you can make them is OWOWOWMYFUCKINGEYEBROWSOW-shape.

via Tweetbot for iOS in reply to sowerbyandluff

@stillawake For Tweetnest, it needs PHP and MySQL, plus a couple of cron jobs setting up to regularly grab the tweets.

via Echofon in reply to stillawake

@stillawake Haven’t played with Backupify — looks like you could download your history and search it, which is nice.

via Echofon in reply to stillawake

@stillawake (Although it claims to be all my Tweets ever, I’ve actually been on here since March 2007, scarily…)

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@stillawake Sadly, you will need a server and a tame geek to set it up. Also, it will only record from now onwards.

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@stillawake Also, GAH THIS TIME LAST YEAR I’D STARTED MY XMAS SHOPPING AAAARGH. I’m a failure this year.

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@stillawake Being a narcissistic geek, of course, I have mine. But they’re not that thrilling.

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@stillawake (And that point is normally more recent than a year, for me, at least.)

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@stillawake Sadly, your timeline stops being retrievable at a certain point in the past.

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@tweetbot Now all I need to know is why the face in the background is offset one pixel to the right of the centre of the hole it’s in :)

via Echofon

Hrm. This “waiting until it stops raining to go get food” plan may need revising.

via Echofon