Tom counts his earnings.
I am in Kathmandu, an Kathmandu is in me :D @ Kathmandu
Heading to the Bristol Flickr Christmas curry meet :)
@Swishrelic No more than usual, from what I can see.
Not entirely looking forward to the walk into town, despite there being a curry at the far end of it. #brrr
@hayles “You just keep telling yourself that. Cuff her, constable. Constable? Oh, God, he’s been drinking the evidence again.”
@hayles “I suspect the killer may be in this very room.”
@hayles Sounds like a detective. “Hi. I’m DCI Gin Klaxon. Where did you last see the bottle in question?”
I spent five minutes de-stressing from my usual Christmas panic by putting together my @grazedotcom snowman :)
@helloemsy I hope you had some seventies wah-wah guitar music playing by that point.
@PenStar_words Nope. Sadly, Christmas Stuff To Do got in my way.
Bloggity: iTunes Match and the Podcast Playlist Problem. Any hints, iTunes wizards?…
@guriben @G2Bristol Ooops. Missed it by dint of working too hard. Not quite got the hang of this “unemployed layabout” role I’ve chosen yet.
@hayles If I didn’t spend so much time reading other people’s blogs, I might actually write new entries myself…