@Jorence Will do. @emmafurious @eladamegateau @No1Harbourside I’ll be the one with the improbably large camera.
@emmafurious Sounds like a plan.
@emmafurious @eladamegateau @No1Harbourside Woo! #CAKE I’ll probably be heading there for sometime between 12:00 and 12:30.
@eladamegateau Well, seeing as I have to be at St. Nick’s for 1:15, it would be almost rude not to pop in for a cake and a coffee…
@PenStar_words D’oh. Appointment with a bank manager Friday morning in the wrong direction.
RT @eladamegateau: We are opening our shop tomorrow @No1Harbourside! Come and join us!!! <— I think I’ll have to pop in. #CAKE
@eladamegateau Ooooh, a shop at @No1Harbourside? You taking over that bit along the wall next to the bar?
Snap: Uppity. flic.kr/p/aRZkRc
@PenStar_words My thoughts *exactly*.
Nothing in the fridge. I may have to have this for dinner. Apparently it’s sesame oil flavour. Which is good. Right? lockerz.com/s/162841979
@johnfbraun Awesome. Tell him that Bruce Willis said “Hi.”
@Phooto Ah. Yes, I see, that looks more like it’s designed to go the other way around, doesn’t it? i.e. it’s wired to be a simple client.
@Phooto As an example, here’s some of the Twitter homepage with HTML, CSS and images being parallel-loaded by Safari. lockerz.com/s/162831034
@Phooto Well, I’m not entirely sure we’ll get to the bottom of this in 140 character fragments anyway! Good luck…
@Phooto But — how have you managed to get a Wi-Fi module that only allows one open socket at a time? Have you told it that it’s 2011?
@Phooto Also, if you control the web page, you can minimise the number of externals (e.g. use data URIs for images embedded in page, etc.)
@Phooto Seems to me like if the server specifically limits the connections the client should wait, but I don’t know about timeouts.
@Phooto So you only want one person visiting the page at a time anyway?
@Phooto There’s often multiple parallel connections to download images and other external files.
@BlackDogDays Sounds like my kind of food :)
So, Klout believes I am influential about Bruce Willis. I’m not entirely sure how to take that. lockerz.com/s/162819367
13twelve Oh yes it is ohyesitis.net
@bertpalmer It’s a teensy bit chilly, it’s true. Good incentive not to stop!
Out jogging. :) #bristol @ Clifton Suspension Bridge instagr.am/p/Xzdju/
New chef at the Adam & Eve? Good. Must nip in and try the food so#bristolslockerz.com/s/162777775B9MV
@RamonYouseph Morning. Crumpetnuggeting turdbadgers!
Morning, Twitter. This morning I shall mostly be working on fiddly things, so I shall probably be quiet with burst of occasional swearing.
@soba_girl That’s a shiver, surely?
photonstorm That’s it, we’re all out of a job. You just can’t make a better web site than this: bit.ly/vajN8u (headphones essential!)
Well, *that* was harder than it should have been. Related: my commit messages get swearier the later it is.