@mattgemmell “whoever is RIM’s CEO on Wednesdays.” #cantstoplaughing
Snappity. Insert mushroom joke here. flic.kr/p/aQTZFa
Yup. That is me. Especially in winter. bit.ly/stUf30
@bccore It was very good indeed. Learned a lot.
Time to process some photos, then on to the afternoon’s real work…
@OpinionatedGeek Too late. Their talkee has made an excuse and left. :)
@OpinionatedGeek I am not, thank Christ, involved in the conversation at all.
@nickdonnelly Sadly, I need to finish my coffee first. He is now talking about SEO and a Flash-based website he admires. #killmenow
Hrm. I am sitting next to an NLP practitioner talking very earnestly about social media and prefixing many words with “holistic”.
The view from the hill. instagr.am/p/XfxUp/