DavidHasselhoff We open Peter Pan tomorrow !! It’s gonna be Hoff The Hook !!! @scott_mills @justinbieber @tayhoff @HHASSELHOFF yfrog.com/kkj9mgjj
@DomUtton Ooh, hello! Just as well I wasn’t saying anything horrible about you, then :D
Right. Time to get back to battling with Android. Catch you later, lovely people.
@BlackDogDays I was just mentally putting that on my list of places to try next, coincidentally.
@BlackDogDays Ah. Whereas I often go there to program for an hour or so. Feel less space-taking guilt on the bar-style seating upstairs!
@BrianAlarm Is it true that Twitter’s recent redesign was done specially to create more space for Brian’s presence?
@BlackDogDays It seems fine upstairs, but presumably that doesn’t do you much good most of the time?
@BlackDogDays What *is* it with those flies? Think I may have to start checking out (shock, horror!) OTHER PLACES.
I have just got home from having a coffee to discover a freshly-delivered batch of coffee beans on my doorstep. I may be a bit hyper today.
@BlackDogDays That must be nice.
Still enjoying this blog, in which Dominic writes letters to First Great Western in proportion to his delays. letterstofgw.blogspot.com
Goodness. With all the redesigning Twitter’s done, you’d think they could have made an especially sonorous font for @brianblessed’s tweets.
@MrGreenGus Not if you’re trying buy something and he’s in front of you, he’s not.
@StJamesPT Usually seems up to date for me. Maybe they scan more often if you’ve got a login with them. Nice way to find new people, anyway!
@StJamesPT favstar.fm.
@BlackDogDays How did you guess? Yes. The one that’s always in front of you in the queue. Or is that just me?
@hayles 8P
@PenStar_words Sadly, the bank is opposite the library, so it makes more sense for me to work here, time-wise. Next week?
Right. Off to see the Bank Manager. But not for anything too serious, it seems. Think they’re likely just going to try to sell me stuff.
@slicknic Sadly, my solution for most Twitter app problems is “use Tweetbot instead.” :/
Quick video tip: How to quickly get to the Accounts screen from the new #Twitter iPhone app: youtube.com/watch?v=e-NBcy…
@becksldrt Does this help in any way? youtube.com/watch?v=e-NBcy…
@eladamegateau Well, I will definitely be going back :)
@laurenbeukes *does fanboy squee* *follows*
This is the problem with being a geek. I got distracted during breakfast, made a video, and now my cornflakes are soggy.
@Hicksdesign Wonder if it’s tied in to the (presumably licensing) problem where we still can’t rent TV shows in the UK? Annoying!
@becksldrt Try this: tap and hold “me” button. Then swipe from there, left, across the other buttons.
@becksldrt Swipe left/right on “me”.