Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 30th, 2011

@benjohnbarnes Yes; technically I’m using the Peperone Technique, but that’s only because they were what the kitchen shop had in :)

via Echofon in reply to benjohnbarnes

Sigh. I may have to resort to making a wall chart and giving myself gold stars on days when I do enough work.

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@stillawake I mean, at Cribbs Causeway I could actually long for the windowless Swedish calm of IKEA.

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@stillawake Well, it’s an experience. And I actually hate it less than many other shopping experiences.

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I have unexpectedly found myself in IKEA.

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@KaveyF Oh. *Looks nervously at the sky*

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@KaveyF Luckily I didn’t have to learn from yesterday’s experience; it’s lovely in Bristol today. Maybe it’ll be nice down there tomorrow!

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@Hombre_Mediocre Oh, is that thing open now? I was wondering why anyone would want to go there.

via Echofon in reply to Matthia5Mueller

Official Green Tea Times commence. (With a nod of acknowledgement to @mattgemmell.)

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stephencgrant Shall we have a Twitter strike as well? Just harnessing the momentum? “What do we want?” “More than 140 characters” “When do we want it?” “N

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@ricgalbraith Well, *I* wouldn’t argue with him.

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@ricgalbraith Have you been eating cheese and watching NCIS just before bed again?

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