Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 15th, 2011

@MandinaM I’ll be saying something Really Important at 3:30am. Don’t miss out.

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@MandinaM Do you do your best to calm Twitter down every night before bed? I suppose someone’s got to…

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@petedrinks But it wasn’t anything special, as far as my discerning taste goes.

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paul_clarke …kudos to @aral for having the balls to put on a slide what we’ve all wanted to, at some point:…

via Dabr (retweeted on 10:47 PM, Nov 15th, 2011 via Echofon)

@RellyAB WhyyyyyyyyyyYYyyYyYYYYyYYYYYYYyyyyy? *pokes own eyes out*

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@petedrinks I only just finished it. I may need to lie down for a little bit before I sign anything. *hic*

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@KaveyF It’s what I use on Windows, and I switched from Firefox with very little friction, from what I remember.

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@KaveyF Do you use much in the way of extensions/browser scripts? If not, can’t really think of a downside to Chrome over FF.

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A photo from my lunchtime walk (which included Spike Island’s current show!)

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@tomroyal @chrisphin @alanitpro Yes, they did that with my last flight back from Crete. Airbus ctrl-atl-del. Just a *tad* disturbing.

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@BlackDogDays Yes, I think so. This evening has involved massage and beer so far, so today is going well, at least! How’s you?

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@MandinaM Ooof. At least I had a mostly captive and cooperative audience when I did mine!

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@MandinaM My top tip is to make sure there’s a fierce Maid of Honour or Best Man who can corral people for group shots :D

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@MandinaM It’s a tough gig. Been there. Well, a barn, in fact, not a registry office, but you know what I mean :)

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About to try a Fuller’s Golden Pride. I blame @petedrinks for talking about strong beers recently.

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@MandinaM Yup. Always the way with these things. It’ll be fine. Call them “record shots” in your head. Not everything has to be great photo!

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@MandinaM …I’m just glad to see someone who doesn’t just shove all 800 on Facebook!

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@MandinaM I’d say that doesn’t sound bad at all, but your burn rate depends on all sorts of things.

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He actually had his head bowed during prayers, but the temptation to title this “sleeping policeman” was quite strong.

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@Mouse_House I may have been letting my imagination run wild. But I thought the nose had a noble bearing :)

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@Mouse_House He looks distinguished, especially with the gold. If I met him, I’d start with “Lord Mouse”, just to be on the safe side.

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Currently transcribing old notes. Came across a unique sentence from @KaveyF.…

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