Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 7th, 2011

@ahnlak Don’t tell them this, but @ScrivenerApp is one of those things I’d actually buy happily at double the price :)

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@ahnlak Doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be handy to have it installed for lunchtimes!

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@ahnlak Also, so far I’ve been a Mac guy, a Windows guy and a Linux guy. Knowing I’ll be able to migrate documents is always handy!

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@ahnlak At the moment I am. But it’s always nice to have cross-platform options. Often my paid jobs are on Windows boxes, too.

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@ahnlak I get the feeling they’re perfectionists. But at least not to the extent that it stayed in beta forever!

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Aha. Scrivener for Windows is officially out!…

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charltonbrooker The running app? It was called
‘Get Running’.

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@ahnlak @TippyTLawton @tsunimee @asic69 Buh? They’ve opened so recently in Bristol they’re still on my “have a look when I’m nearby” list…

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@MissEmmeline Try Bristol Ticket Shop for Thea tickets, by the way.

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I… have had a shave. Which feels a bit odd.

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@hayles Yes, I’d say it’s a moral obligation.

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@Lillput That sounds like high praise from a physio!

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@Phooto Sorry, I’m trying to concentrate on learning Android at the mo; probably won’t be available for other stuff for a few months.

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Awesome. From his article today, sounds very much like Charlie Brooker has been using Get Running!…

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