OH: “If the downstairs is full of skanks, we’re going upstairs.” “Why? Are skanks like daleks? Can’t they climb stairs?”
JNRaeside Good lord, Top Shop. Think of another name for this. bit.ly/vzXhtk
@Crackerwax Bristolians borrowed them so they could all say “where’s that to?” instead of “where’s that?”.
@meemalee That actually made @KaveyF laugh so much she hasn’t breathed for about a minute and a half.
Handy. #tube instagr.am/p/Vy4lR/
I may have died and gone to postprandial chocolate heaven. And the espresso’s re @ The Rib Room Bar & Restaurinstagr.am/p/VyWmN/z1AI
I am picking shot out of partridge in a very nice Knightsbridge hotel. Enjoying being @KaveyF’s photographer :)
Cocktail? Don’t mind if I do. @ Jumeirah Carlton Tower instagr.am/p/VxmFy/
London, baby. instagr.am/p/Vxdx0/