@KaveyF Just a spud. flic.kr/p/aDBkcA
@talkie_tim It was. Not often I have enough foresight to put anything in the oven for three hours, but it worked a treat.
Being a photographer at least gives you something to do while your dinner cools down. flic.kr/p/aDBkcA :D
RIght. Time for a run, I think.
laurenme0w Tomorrow is 11/11/11, not 11/11/11. Bloody Americans.
Kavey My #firkyerself for @irkafirka based on tweet twitter.com/#!/gothick/sta… by @gothick flic.kr/p/aDzKx3
For example, clearly I emailed myself “Bikini Kill” for a reason. Probably music-related, given there’s a band with that name. But why?
The problem with only doing your weekly reviews every six months is that you’ve forgotten what all your notes mean by then. #gtd
@faerietalefoody *reads back through timeline* You fell up an escalator? Well, there’s a certain style there, I suppose. Well done.
@hayles I still have yet to have one. Maybe I am now obliged to try as an independent witness.
@MissEmmeline Yup! Let me know when you’re there and I’ll get the next boat in :D
@ahnlak You have my sympathy.
@hayles I probably should. A couple of friends are trying to get me to try the cycle path again, so it’ll probably happen.
@ahnlak Mine looks more accurate these days. Just Bristol and Stack Overflow. They no longer think I’m influential about fashion!
@bexxi Yes. Jumpy fingers.
@hayles No, for I go to Bath about once every four years. Though I have heard good things about @Colonna_Smalls (maybe from @MissEmmeline?)
Currently being made hyper by @extractcoffee’s Strong Man Expresso. Nice. May try throwing it through the aeropress a bit quicker next time.
Heh. @tom_watson compares James Murdoch to a mafia boss: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi… Careful there, Tom. You don’t want to offend the mafia.
@tiny_teapot @HardyDuncan @ccnorma @hayles @maxnugget @zestedmandie *Waves at @TaylorHel*