Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

November 2nd, 2011

“What the hell, I’m 75” — the dangers of annoying your older customers :)…

via Echofon

What? Google have got rid of the “+” operator? Bah. I used that loads.…

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@Easybourne No problem. At some point I might write a little blog post about how I’m finding the trackpad so far. But not this week!

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@Easybourne Worth a go. Consider how much reaching you’ll have to do, though. Okayish if you have keyboard without numpad or are a leftie.

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@Easybourne (Which is one of the places I find myself giving up and reaching for the mouse instead in Lightroom, for example.)

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@Easybourne Good idea. Try to try anything you’d normally do that requires precise control (e.g. accurately sliding small sliders.)

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@Easybourne Sorry, dunno; I don’t have Photoshop.

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@Easybourne Erm. It’s good for the gestures. But even after weeks of use, I’m still finding it annoying when doing some stuff.

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stephencgrant Sorry, but ‘Movember’ isn’t a challenge - you’re just not bothering with basic grooming. What next? Shit on the floor for ‘Defecember’?

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@stillawake Looks about right, from what I can remember.

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griffinkate “Are hamsters animals or fruit? We have a fake expert with a worthless PhD, a shrill mum and a shouty man who’ll get all the airtime.”

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@JanieStamford Glad to hear he’s doing well. Must be terrifying for you. Remember to look after yourself too, if you can.

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SamiraAhmedUK Chris Jeffries says he could only clear his name thanks to a “no win no fee” deal with his lawyers, which the Govt is planning to abolish.

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@tsunimee A pleasure, my cheeky little earlobe.

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Lovely morning all! Walked round Cliftonwood, now sitting outside @BTPCoffee with latte and croissant fresh from oven.

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