@VeraR2010 Oooh, looks nice! And you won’t be too far from lidobristol.com which is one of the good places I’ve forgotten to mention :)
@hayles Bloody hell.
@VeraR2010 And probably about nineteen others I’ve randomly forgotten :) Also try tweeting where you are at me at the time :D
@VeraR2010 For food… Goodness. Erm. Bell’s Diner, Runcible Spoon, Olive Shed, No. 1 Harbourside, Chin! Chin!, Grain Barge, Pump House.
@VeraR2010 For tea my new favourite is Lahloo Pantry lahloopantry.co.uk though they only do filter coffee.
@VeraR2010 So much choice! Depends where you’ll be, really, and how far you want to go :) For coffee, can’t go too far wrong in @BTPcafes
@VeraR2010 Ironically enough, I’m heading for London on Thursday!