I’ve made too much dinner. Leftovers tomorrow, I guess! Still, looks nice. lockerz.com/s/157293111
@tsunimee I’m going with “oondahgrajwart”.
@nchan Trousers Genuflect In Faith? Or something not quite as far away from normal?
@MrsMiddleham Climbed over the fence by a slightly nonplussed woman and her dog, in fact :)
Mmmm. At Lahloo Pantry. instagr.am/p/Uqpfc/
Whew. I just scrambled up the side of the Avon Gorge. Tip: those new steps by Bridge Valley Road? They don’t really go anywhere. #bristol
@PomegranateEB Snigger. Think I’d be much safer experimenting in your line than with strange mushrooms :D
These look fab. With the only teensy drawback being that I don’t know if they’d kill me or not. instagr.am/p/UqVTW/
_One day_, I’ll learn that I should *always* read the error message carefully. Oh well, at least I fixed a bug. Just not the right one.
@RamonYouseph Aw, shucks :)
Think I might wander up to Clifton the long way round and have lunch at Lahloo Pantry :)
@tomasmcguinness And “play it again, Sam”.
@GreedyRosie Here’s hoping. Good luck with the essay.
@GreedyRosie You appear to be writing an essay. No *way* I’m swapping.
Tired. But not, apparently, tired enough to sleep.